EN - Blog

We don't have native English speakers in our company yet, we apology for the English mistakes

Last update - November 4th , 2023 - - This page is not static and will evolve

Fizemos is a company created in 2020 in France, and mean "we did" in Portuguese.
The main goal is to save more time, creating a capital of ideas and the possibility of making them materialized.

In this way, it is possible to say "I did" or "we did" because we believe that having ideas and doing successful projects is also doable with the help from partners, friends or colleagues.

Contact info our official LinkedIn page


Growing your idea capital in your daily life

Safety walk

When you are walking with safety in a sidewalk, so you can use your smartphone to write your ideas.


You might buy a whiteboard marker. It is always useful and you save a lot of paper.


A copybook is always still good to write some things about a dedicated project, but do not loose it ;)

Boiling ideas

A boiling idea is something very invasive and that you think all day long, during days, like water in a pan that is boiling or you are making a Italian moka coffee

But what can be dangerous with a Boiling Note is that you have to do it now , you have to perform it, whatever it costs.

If the coffee rise up to the top of your Italian moka machine , so you switch off the heat accomodation or you remove it. 

Same for Boiling ideas, take them easy, and let them mature it a few more days.

Sharing ideas

When you write ideas, sometimes it is thanks to your family and friends.

So it's important to write the name of your relative that proposed this idea.

Indeed, you can accomplish the idea after some months or years and you don't know who helped you because you forgot who mentionned that to you.

Plus, when you are in a brainwave situation or creative day, you can have until 40 new ideas, and this ratio is possible because you writed down the ideas coming from your relatives or people you met.

Feel free also to share your ideas with your relatives, so they can write them down :)

Serendipity (1)

According to the Wikipedia article


"Serendipity is the occurrence of an unplanned fortunate discovery.[1] Serendipity is a common occurrence throughout the history of product invention and scientific discovery. Serendipity is also seen as a potential design principle for online activities that would present a wide array of information and viewpoints, rather than just re-enforcing a user's opinion."

The article also mentions the fortunate discoveries such as penicilin & Post-It Note

And from a Post-It note we can write & draw many things so we can discovery a fortunate idea.

And with online notes gathered together, it can be also a way of discovering new things

Serendipity  (2)
We assess you can have 40 ideas at a maximum in one day if all the conditions are gathered. 

The fact being a group accelerate your knowledge & ideas and help you reach this maximum.

Family's Ideas & Friends' Ideas

Trap or common thinking : we are use to hear the same type of ideas so we don't take into account.

Advantage : Ideas that are trustable and very personnalized

Colleagues' Ideas

Trap or common thinking : More professional ideas than personal ideas. 

Risk of cloisonned ideas into a specific market or company.

Advantage : rich ideas from different profiles, possibility to question ourselves about a project

Passers-by's Ideas

Trap or common thinking : Maybe sometimes not trustable ideas because one does not know us.
Advantage : however ideas that are not usual or making us discovering new universes.

Memorization techniques

Write it rightaway

Have possibility to write it down when your devices are off

A copybook, a post it or a whiteboard for instance

Our memory is limited, we think we found a nice idea and finally we forgot after 20 minutes what it was.

It can come back after hours, days or weeks, but why not writing it down right now.

Use acronyms

You have a serendipity moment with three ideas at the same time and you can't write them down right-away

(Example : Plant Trees to save the Planet, Organize your notes, Participate to a political project...)

You can't memorize easily all of them!

Just memorize TOP because those ideas are at the top.



Et voilà !!!!

Write it after a dream ( very hard)

And you have also felt the following after a dream, this is a wonderful idea! And I memorized it! ....

Actually not, because we forget the dream & idea after sleeping again.

It is quite hard, because the goal is also not making going out from your sleeping time.

But we are building progressively a project to help you on that

Reve de Kekule ==> Michel Le Van Quyen


Night creativity

Let's suppose you sleep at 11:30pm or 12am

Around 11pm this is a moment of creativity.

Stop your computer activities and let your brain thinks about nothing.

You will see sometimes that many ideas come to your brain

We encourage you not to use our app to have but use a pocket book or whiteboard with a marker to write down those ideas.

Once it is done, so you can sleep peacefully. 

Maybe you will leave the bed once or twice to write down other ideas.

Three types of thinking

Limited thinking, converging thinking & divergent thinking

Limited thinking

==> A glass bottle can't be a flower vase

Convergent thinking

According to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergent_thinking

" Convergent thinking is a term coined by Joy Paul Guilford as the opposite of divergent thinking. It generally means the ability to give the "correct" answer to standard questions that do not require significant creativity, for instance in most tasks in school and on standardized multiple-choice tests for intelligence."

Divergent thinking


According to Wikipedia

"Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions"

This documentary tells us that a glass bottle can be use in different ways


(Link not available anymore in 2023)

It  tells also about celebrities and how they use divergent thinking

Edison (thousands of different solutions to find a filament)

Leonard de Vinci (several solutions to a problem = learning to fly)

Darwin (I know it's stupid, but I'll try anyway)

Many different Picasso 

Blue Period (1901–1904), the Rose Period (1904–1906), the African-influenced Period (1907–1909), Analytic Cubism (1909–1912), and Synthetic Cubism (1912–1919) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Picasso)

Did you find a way that a glass bottle can be used?

Write it down with a note :)


Today we will write about two things.

When you learn something new with Fizemos, don't forget to add the root about your new idea, otherwise you don't know who has learnt you this new idea.

It happened to us for autotelism.

We discovered it in our database but don't know where it came from!! We supposed we watched something about this concept.

For this article, we have used the Wikipedia article in French & English


"The word "autotelic" derives from the Greek αὐτοτελής (autotelēs), formed from αὐτός (autos, "self") and τέλος (telos, "end" or "goal")."

At the end of the article you will find some definitions according to M.Csíkszentmihályi, Hungarian philosoph, that wrote contents about creativity

We want Fizemos helping you with autotelism 

"The autotelic individual does not have a great need for possessions, distractions, comfort of power or fame, because almost everything he does enriches him internally2. "

“The interest of the autotelic person is not purely passive or contemplative; it implies a desire to understand, a desire to solve a problem. We could speak of a selfless interest3. "

“The autotelic individual more easily resolves the difficulties of existence […] 4”

"[...] their psychic energy seems inexhaustible [...], they are more attentive [...] notice more details [...] willingly take an interest in something without expecting an immediate reward" 5 "

“[…] Joyful attitude of curiosity […] willingness to understand, to solve problems6”

"But [...] selfless interest:" [...] attention [...] devoid of ambition and personal objectives in order to [have] a chance to apprehend reality on its own terms7. "

"Autotelic individuals are less concerned with themselves and invest more psychic energy in their relationship with life5. "

"Autotelic people combine healthy pride in their individuality with genuine interest in others. "

"Creative individuals are generally autotelic [...] and it is because they have extra psychic energy to invest in seemingly trivial things that they make discoveries9.

Lluvia de ideas (Brainstorming)

We are going to present today brainstorming tips that we learnt thanks to some digital courses


The video presents three importants parts

Come up with so many ideas as you can think of

You can add notes with the help from Fizemos

Transform old ideas to raise new ones.

Use Denied notes or Archived notes

Start from those ideas Use your capital of ideas built with Fizemos, in order to reuse the notes

And, most importantly, keep an open mind and objective.

It will be helpful to turn your ideas into actions and choose the ideas to prioritize

Reading & practise

First, you can write the idea to buy an interesting book, in order to exploit it

Three types of reading as a subject

Passive reading

We read all the book but take no notes.

We can sumup the book partially. Only the memories will bring me back to the interesting part of the book, however with no certainty.

Active reading (note taking)

We read a book and take notes in a notebook. We can take photos of the books.

(the image attached is the page 179 from 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos from Jordan Peterson, "Now an idea is not the same thing as a fact...")

We take notes of the interesting parts of the books

We don't read all the book but focus on the interesting parts.

Practical reading (implement)

We apply the notes taken and perform actions based on the notes I took previously.

We manage ou ideas into the application so we can turn them into actions

Notes blocker - "Ideauxbloquants"

Overwhelmed mails

There are already too much emails to manage.

In Fizemos, we explain you how to clean your email inbox and gain up to 12 days per year


Lack of time.

Like, you don't have time to read this article, so nowadays we give you time indication in order to decide if you want to read this article or not

We would say you need 2 minutes for this one :)


Time is here but sometimes we postpone to tomorrow or decide to allocate this time for other activity

We call this "a lack of opportunity" rather than "a lack of time" because Time is here.


Doing actions make us tired and it is not easy to add new ones because we can't do actions now.

Bad health

It's important to focus on our health first. So we don't want to use our devices.

Lack of motivation

We are not motivated to perform an action


We are under emergency request, so writing new notes or performing other notes is not possible

Bad stress

Happening with emergency request for instance. It consumes energy and we need to be relaxed to find notes & perform actions


How you can do an action with that?
We have never seen that before!


Email backgrounds 

We wanted to promote the nice backgrounds of Gmail

For instance the background "Zen" that is evolutive


It's really motivational to help you managing your emails

We provide some tips to get your email inbox always like this, so you walk on the beach, see nice backgrounds, your photos from your friends & family...


We are going to study how you can gain some time and reduced your number of apps to the necessary

Selecting one screen only

Adopt only one screen on your smartphone

You avoid to swipe left or right and gain time

Creating folder of apps

So you move some apps in this folder.

Deleting some apps

Don't forget also to make your smartphone safe :) (screen locker functionality for instance)

Exerce the Brain

How you can exerce your brain so you resolve complicated situations?

Sometimes the key to a problem is not findable rightaway

It's important to let the brain think about the possible solution and altenatives.

Exercing the brain will make it ready in order to find an adaptable solution.

One basic exercise you can do is arrow words

The words are already written and you don't loose time to check the lines like cross words.

A good arrow words level is where you can fill 75% of the mots fleches without hard difficulties.

So you learn progressively to fill the 25% remaining.

Your brain will exerce always to learn alternatives and find synonyms or new definitions.

Use also a pen not a pencil. It is more readable.

You will learn progressively synonyms and going to another level soon.

When you feel comfortable, you can record the time you complete an arrow words.
So when a complicated issue comes , your brain is trained to check alternatives quickly and it enhances your creativity.

Say No (To Be Completed)

25ème Heure

Gestion du temps

Nouvel Art du Temps

p72-73 What Matters The Most

Seven Habits of Highly Productive People p180
Hermel p64

Say No https://youtu.be/pI--GdW3BWQ

How you can do a lot of tasks, without doing efforts & enjoying your day ☀️

Initiate or remember your smell abilities

Spray your perfume and try to identify what are the notes of your perfume

Example : http://www.osmoz.fr/parfums/dior/1391/j-adore-l-or

There are more than 10 thousands smells possibles.  Maybe more (https://www.bbc.com/news/health-26638085)

Do a perfume workshop to improve your smell skills


Some other exemples can be taken from the book Le Sel de la Vie (Françoise Héritier - 2012) reminding simples exemples of our daily life that make us happy

(watching trees & birds, eating an ice cream, listening an old CD or tape...)

Not hard tasks but done in few minutes :) 

Smelling your perfume + watching trees & birds

How you can turn ideas into actions

Intelligence - adapting to a unknown situation - Neuroplasticity

According to Wikipedia


"Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, or neural plasticity, is the ability of the brain to undergo structural or physiological changes"

Phisically & mentally strength

Work on some exercises for your physical and/or mental abilities

Doing musculation at home or meditation during 5mn each day, and with regularity, is a good start

At Fizemos, we enjoy to support sport associations

Don't forget anything

Write notes in your smartphone or in a copybook

Anything is possible 

See the positive side everytime despite unexpected events

Unsubscribe to all advert emails

In Fizemos, we believe you will never have trainings with us :(  , if you feel already overwhelmed by the other applications you already own.

Here some tips so you have less emails

Click on the button Unsubscribe all

Create another email address to receive the advert 

p95 La 25ème heure


Watch List

The Groundhog Day (1993)


Cast Away (2000)

With Tom Hanks


The Last Imperial Soldier (2008)


Isner - Mahut (2010)

When it's time to do an action?

This is your time


It's time


It's time to move!



We are going to talk about punctuality and how it is hard to get in

This movie scene from The Irishman is quite interesting and show the different point of views regarding ponctuality (and how to be dressed for a meeting)


How much time you would wait for someone that is late to your meeting?

Many reasons can explain we are late, as in the video above ("there was traffic!")"
Le Nouvel Art du Temps p124 "Si l'exactitude est la politesse des rois, le retard peut devenir le sport des insatisfaits"
"If punctuality is the politeness of kings, lateness can become the sport of the dissatisfied"

Putting reminders can be a good way avoiding it

With Google Suite, you can configure email reminder and set up 15 minutes before the meeting starts.


Or writing a note in your smartphone and setting up in your smartphone homepage.

Why? Sometimes we are not looking at our computer or don't have access to it.
The short-term memory would length 20minutes at maximum

Quality of living - relaxation time

Today we are going to talk about quality of living and relaxation time in order you find new notes & new projects to do.

From some of us they found the solutions to their issues during the following moments

It is just having a shower that can make you finding the best ideas.

Until companies are proposing some notes tool for the shower.

We tried it but it's not easy actually to use it, however you can remember your ideas with some techniques.

You can have also your hour moment where you find notes to add 

For instance after a quality breakfast or just before to sleep after a relaxation sport activity (yoga or pilates for instance)

Having a shower or finding your hour moment help you reach what we call a brainwave where you have plenty of ideas

You can write those ideas and we will help you organize them so you can materialize those ideas!

Furtive ideas

Due to our short term memory, some ideas may be missed because we did not write the idea

"Short term memory does not have a large capacity like sensory memory but holds information longer for several seconds or minutes"


Jean Patrick Modiano (image below), Nobel Prize in Literature says the following about forgetting or disremembering 

"Memory is just some fragments, eaten, on a full background that is the Forgetting"


With Fizemos, you can create notes.
So you add some fragments in this Forgetting background :)
Know more with our Training Offer
See you soon for our next article!