
Gagnez du temps

Gagnez 12 jours de votre temps par an

Consultez notre offre

    Partez un weekend à Sète
    48 heures de temps, 63 idées obtenues
    et 47 actions réalisées

"When we are doing a trip, it's a way to get new ideas, actions and enjoying a good time

In his book, Le Nouvel Art du Temps,  Jean-Louis Servan Schreiber asks us when was our last time we really did a true trip journey.

He advises us to always keep doing a trip, even if we are busy with family or business priorities. 

Why? Following a trip, we often take important decisions regarding our life, and that decisions are not relate dwith the purpose of our trip

During a trip at Sète, we were able to generate 63 ideas in 48 hours of time.

After 3 weeks of time, 59 of these ideas were taken in consideration and performed. 4 were neglected

The key of creativity is action. By walking during a trip, you have a good time and good moments, you  are discovering new elements, you will naturally have serendipity moments.

Fizemos accompany you everywhere in order to use beneficially this generated capital.

A trip can also give you idea about your next trip!"