EN - Culture

We don't have native English speakers in our company yet, we apology for the English mistakes

Last update - August 20th , 2023 - This page is not static and will evolve

Fizemos is a company created in 2020 in France, and mean "we did" in Portuguese.
The main goal is to save more time, creating a capital of ideas and the possibility of making them materialized.

In this way, it is possible to say "I did" or "we did" because we believe that having ideas and doing successful projects is also doable with the help from partners, friends or colleagues.

Contact info our official LinkedIn page

Find more info about our Culture below. (FYI : the elements are not classified by their importance order)

See also our Values (in French)

🏡At Fizemos, we start our company full remote in order to respecte a lean thinking strategy. 

"Lean thinking is a business methodology that aims to provide a new way to think about how to organize human activities to deliver more benefits to society and value to individuals while eliminating waste"


It means we don't have official offices yet.

We define three types of population

The Remoters

Working Remote

They are autonomous, they are ressourceful problem solvers, they don't mind to work in a table corner, they can work with noise & music, they move around different places.

They came sometimes at the office for mandatory presential reasons (monthly meeting)

0 or 1 day at the Office a month.

The Deskers

They are working at the office with a desk. They can't work home because it's not possible technically. They like to be in different & structured environment to work. They need colleagues to exchange & live fully their work experience. 

They do sometimes remote work but more to resolve an emergency or imperative.

1 day Remote a month

The Connecters 

They like to work in both environment. They also need to alternate but without emergency but by choice.

They don't mind to be at home or at the office.

From 1 day to 3 days Remote a week.

Depending of employees need, the companies will bring help to their employees choosing the right team. 

Communication will be the key, in addition with a customized training plan in order to reinsure managers and employees.


Promote the safety at work in different areas.

(See Alcoa's use case in the Power of Habit book


Promote security among our customers (example : 2-step verification code, not communicating passwords during our trainings)

📵Notifications turned off

    The fact to receive a notification is counterproductive and has a cost (The attentional cost of receiving a cell phone notification. https://psycnet.apa.org/buy/2015-28923-001) Plus, when you absolutely need and expected a notification and it did not come or come with delay, this is often useless.

🧠Cognitive bias hazard awareness

    We see in the world of today some frontiers that are progressively closed but also with the confirmation bias, we might have the risk that we are closing frontiers regarding new ideas and new concepts.

Cognitive bias hazard as the following

" a cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment"


One of the most common is the confirmation bias

"Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms or supports one's prior personal beliefs or values."

If you are belonging to a group in which everyone likes strawberries 🍓, you may not want to know about apples 🍏, but more about strawberry jam or pie.

According to Wikipedia


"Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms or support one's prior personal beliefs or values.[1] It is an important type of cognitive bias that has a significant effect on the proper functioning of society by distorting evidence-based decision-making. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way."

🔄Horizontal Management

Sharing ideas, doing brainstorming meetings, foster the competitiveness of team members and that all your colleagues, family or friends been with the same degree of info

📺See the life in HD 

Look back about what made you Happy and what you have Done.

🌍Diversity, Ethics & Sustainable Development

     Appreciate the diversity of ideas, act ethically, and help to a sustainable development for a better Time



People that have ideas and materialize them through writing


People that have a lot of ideas. They are more interested about ideas than actions


People that do actions. They are more oriented regarding actions than ideas.


People that have an equilibrium between ideas & actions. No more ideas than actions for them.


People that rely on time. Time matters for them.


People that look more for activities that are enjoyable

e-archeologue / e-archivist

is somebody that is finding interesting content or look for past content in the Internet. 

(S)he works to update content on Internet and databases and organize Internet contents to find 


Provide help online in order to provide customer service. Do it as a freelance and/or for free as a passion


is somebody that travels without moving from anyplace



"L'absence de désirs procure la quiétude" - "The absence of desires brings tranquility"

p38 Lao Tseu - Tao Te King